Thursday, September 27, 2012

New and improved!

       Hey all, I have been m.i.a and I apologize. I didnt blog for a few days and my wife was telling me, "you need to get back to it". I told myself, "if people were actually reading these someone would have asked me where I have been". Well, someone in my class kept me accountable and asked where my blogs have been. Here it is and I tweaked some things to make it more user friendly.
       This blog now allows comments from anyone(was only for blog members), and the name of the blog lets people know it is a blog. I was told by a few people they didnt know what it was I was posting on my facebook because it didnt specify, so now its "Jacob's Blog".
    Update: Since my last post, Nisa is now feeling better from her flu-like symptoms, and my immune system was able to fight it off. I have taken my first Biochem/metabolism exam and I got a good amount of workouts in in the last week to prepare me for Saturday. Whats Saturday, you ask.
Tomorrow I leave with a friend Gene to Ontario, Ca for a "crossfit" competition. I mentioned it before in a previous blog, well the day has arrived. I qualified as #12 in my class and I will be competing against the 13th rank athlete. The competition is a 1 on 1 crossfit style workout battle where only the winner moves on. Here is the link for those curious .

To keep the same format here is my days schedule:
6:30-7:30am:               wake-up and get ready for school
7:30-11:30am:              lecture in class
12-1pm:                        short workout with Kojo(classmate)
2-4pm:                          eat and take a nap
4-6pm:                          study
6-7pm                           eat and relax
7-10pm:                        study
10-11pm                       book hotel in Cali for the comp and then blog

I will take some pictures at the competition and post them as soon as I can.

I want to incorporate something new into this blog. " I will remind you for a few blogs to try and encourage participation".Post a question in the comment section below and I will answer/address that question/topic          
       on the NEXT blog.
    (I will address/answer more than 1 question so don't "not post/comment" just because someone already did)

example questions: (health, personal,religious,educational,humor)
-Jacob, what should I eat if I want to lose belly fat?
-What sports did you play in High school?
-Where are you from?
-What are your study habits?
-Why do you have so many spelling/grammer errors(lol)



  1. Jacob,

    Why did I get rejected from stud aisle?


  2. keep these coming. good luck on the xfit comp.

  3. what is better for rehydrating? Gatorade or Water?
