Friday, September 14, 2012

Long day

       For those that read last nights blog, you know I played basketball at 6am this morning. My day started out with a light breakfast at 5:30 am then I played ball from 6-730am. For anyone who has tried to play a sport that early, you know it takes about 30 minutes for your body to cooperate with what your brain is telling it to do. I survived though and had a good time.
      Today was the last day of my neuroanatomy class and the final exam will be Monday morning at 7:30 am. This class was very insightful. I have learned lots about diseases and disorders caused by neurological damage from Parkinsons to cross eyedness. I can walk away not just with a letter grade but with knowledge. 
      I managed to fit a good workout in today around lunch time but my body was fatigued from the morning bball session. Kojo and I did some leg work, chest work, and finished with a brutal core workout.               I managed to get a 15 min high intensity workout out of the way in the evening as well but that was only possible since I napped for two hours after class. My body is taking a beating but it will pay off as it rebuilds.
     For anyone interested in diet/workout regiments or just needs some motivation feel free to inbox me or comment on the blog. I would be more than happy to assist. 
     I will move on to my schedule now so I can go to bed. Early morning yoga tomorrow requires sleep or I might just pass out.
6-730am:             Bball
7:30-9am:            relax,eat and get ready for class
9-1130am:           Class lecture
1130-1230:          workout w/ Kojo 
1-3pm:                 class: case studies and exam review
3-6pm:                 much needed Nap
6-7pm                  hang out with Nisa and do my 15 minute workout*
7-10pm:               dinner w/ Nisa, watched T.v and relaxed
10-11pm:             blog and bed

-as you can see I didnt study any today. I will save that for tomorrow,Sunday, and Monday morning before the exam. 

      Have a good weekend,

* as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of   5pushups 5 squats 5 thrusters(30lb/hand) 5 situps 5 hand stand pushups after the 4th round I couldnt do handstand PU anymore so I did 6 of every movement finished: 12.5 rounds(give it a try)


  1. Best Blog Ever.

    I need help/motivation/diet/regimen


  2. Email me at I can ask a few questions that will help me help you.
